21 Jun Sign up for Summer Futsal League Today!
Registration for the Summer Futsal League is officially open!
Co-ed 5v5
U9-U12: Mondays
U13-U16: Wednesdays
2 x 20 minute halves
Group Play + Playoffs
1st, 2nd & 3rd place awards
7 player minimum
10 player maximum
$700 per team
Download the registration form here.
Parent volunteer or captain is responsible for collecting fees, making payment & registering team. Submit the registration form to Keith Gunn at k.gunn@savannahunited.com or the United office with payment. Please make payment ($700) by check made out to ‘Savannah United’.
A team is not considered registered until payment has been received. A team is not considered ‘accepted’ until confirmed by Summer Futsal Program Director Keith Gunn.
Dates in June: 12,14,19,21,26,28
Dates in July: 17,19,24,26